07 December 2008

God Loves You and Me

I want to share you a video made by johnnyfpc in God Tube about a film "The Bridge". This video made me think about the verse John 3:16. Some people may have different reactions when they see this video and I can understand their opinion on this. If you ask me, the lesson that I can get from watching this video is about how big God's love is for you and me. The sacrifice that Jesus made to die on the cross so that our sins will be paid is uncomparable. And I want to thank Him for that, because no matter who I am and for what I have done whenever I come to Him and ask for His forgiveness, He welcomes me with open arms no ifs or buts. And He will do the same for you too.

Watch This...


Anonymous said...

Hi Valerie,

I saw this video a while ago. It does have a very powerful message!

It is so good to know that once we are forgiven by God, the stain of our guilt is removed. Thus there is no reason to feel guilty any longer, because God does not hold the past against us.

Thanks for sharing!

Blessings to you...

Valerie said...

Thanks for your input on this Chris. Yes, isn't it nice that God does not hold the past against us? Truly God is a wonderful God.

Thanks for dropping by today.

Lori Laws said...

I love it...