25 October 2008

Practical Discipleship- Prayer

Pastor Dan Wysong is one of the Pastoral Staff of Carmichael Church. And he delivered to us a very powerful sermon on prayer. I wanted to share with you the notes he handed to us and hope that it will help also in your prayer life.

  • Prayer is keeping company with God
  • Prayer is seeing reality from God's perspective
  • Prayer is always a response to God speaking first
  • Prayer is not just speaking but listening

Possible Ways to Incorporate Prayer in your life:
  1. Pray through Psalms- Read them as personal prayers, that's how they were written. Try Psalm 63. As your read, pick a verse and make it your prayer.
  2. Listening through scriptures- read a passage four or five times slowly, listening for what God has to say to you in it.
  3. Examin- at the end of the day set time aside to go over the day, remembering what you are most grateful for and most frustrated by. Where was God at work and where were you in control instead? Lift these up to Him, showing gratitude for what He is doing and surrendering what you control.
  4. Place a Red Dot- Return your attentionto God. The dot reminds us of stoplights, waiting in line, driving in your car, turning off the radio and use it as a time to be with God.
  5. Activity Prayer- while running, walking, gardening or doing some other activity, tune your mind to the Eternal Father.
  6. Admiring beauty as prayer- in nature, art, music, or people.
  7. Community Prayer- praying together. Honestly seeking God with friends and family. What is His will? Where does He wants us working? What does He want us doing?
Question: "What would I like for my prayer life to be?"


Lori Laws said...

Thanks for posting this. I love praying the psalms. It's all about pouring out whatever's in your heart, and the psalms are written with that very purpose in mind. Love the psalms.

Valerie said...

You are right Lori. There are so many things we can read and even pray in the book of Psalms. I do admire David for his God-given talent of writing and being inspired by God. You can really see, how close he is to the Lord. God bless you Lori.