20 September 2008

Singing Sensation

Watching kids in singing contests is a favorite pastime for Rebecca. She admires so much how these children at a young age belt out their vocal chords in a high pitched note. It is not a wonder, my mom really sings well too. She has been doing it an an early age. Whenever she is sick , she would put a tape recorder at her bedside and starts taping herself singing. And when she died, my sister, found her cassette tapes and sent me a copy.

Thank God for technology that though she is not here with me I can still listen to her beautiful voice each time I feel I need encouragement.

My attention was caught on this wonderful sixteen year old Filipino girl whose life was such an inspiring story that I can't help but share it to you through these videos. I think Rebecca would have watched this girl too if she was alive today.

Her name is Charice Pempengco. She started joining singing contests off television and on television at an early age hoping to be able to help her mom with expenses at home for they were poor. Not until, a youtuber named "false voice" posted videos of Charice on YouTube.com
that Ellen DeGeneres saw her amazing voice.

This is what Ellen saw on You Tube.

And so finally, Charice flew to be guested in Ellen DeGeneres Show. Watch this.

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