08 September 2008

Rebecca's Jar Update First Week

Hello everyone, just giving you an update on how things are going here in Rebecca's Jar. I am currently raising funds for Rebecca's hospital bill . You can click on Rebecca's Jar and it will take you to Amazon Associate Store. You will see items being sold there and for every purchase you make, 100% of that comission will go towards the fund to pay for her hospital bill.

Well, this is the first week this blog has been set up and we are still looking for kind hearted people out there willing to support Rebecca's Jar. Will you be the one?

My mom, Rebecca, has a heart for giving when she was alive. I remember being raised in Manila where we were surrounded with poor people. My mom has her own little vegetable garden in our front and backyard and often times I see this poor people knocking in our front gate and mom would go out and the next thing I see is her gathering some vegetables in her garden and gives it to them. Some would give her money but I saw her shaking her head and gave a smile to them instead. This is what her concept of "Christian Giving" was. I hope you will enjoy reading the article.

If you have comments or questions, feel free to post them or if you feel you have an item in Amazon.Com that you want to purchase that is not in "Rebecca's Jar" store, please let me know by writing a comment and I will gladly put them in the store. So that when you purchase your favorite item in the store, you are also helping fill up Rebecca's Jar.

Thank you very much for taking time to read this update. New things are coming for you to read in here. And I will continue to update you on how much we raised to support Rebecca's Jar.

You folks have a wonderful day.

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